
The Islamic University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam commits to a professional and transparent management & organisation as stated by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme. IUASR strives at all times to provide transparent information flows, and to implement clearly stated rules and procedures according to its Study Guide Handbook based on the Dutch Law of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
The transparency in our organisation leads to continuity and improvement of the educational quality. The departments at our HE functions as a whole due to clear regulation and procedures which are accessible at all times for both student & staff; these may access the IUASR Study Guide at all times. The guide is being updated annually at the beginning of each academic year and delivered to all registered students at the kick-off day of their college year.
The Complaint desk
As part of the transparency, care for our students’ rights is one of the most important priorities for which we attach much value. IUASR desires the well-being of its students in order to conduct and preserve the quality of Islamic higher education in line with Netherlands’ educational system. For this reason students may always reach the available digital internal ‘complaint desk’. Since IUASR attaches value to (improve) the quality of education, complaints from the desk it may, when necessary, even reach the highest level within the organisation. Students’ complaints are taken serious for a better transparent organisation.
Communication with the complaint desk is by e-mail. Do you have a complaint? Please send your mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The desk will confirm your complaint, send it forward (be evaluated by an external lawyer and after evaluation) to the concerning department and reply to you within 3 weeks. The reply may reach you either by mail from the complaint desk itself or by the appointed person (on behalf of the complaint desk) from the concerning department.

The Person of Trust
As part of our transparency policy we possess a ‘person of trust’. This person supports you (in total confidence) with all kinds of problems and/or complaints; not only educational but also personal problems which may relate/affect your study. With him one may have a face-to-face conversation as explaining one’s personal problems and seek solutions. The difference in relation to the complaint desk is that the person of trust is obliged to discuss one’s problems/complaints and the solutions in total secret.
This person at the IUASR is Mr. A. Abba, Mr. M. Araab and Mrs. N. Bouchtaoui. You may reach these individuals by mail. Please contact Student Affairs for their e-mail addresses.

In case one wishes to subdue complaint by way of external procedures, the IUASR acknowledges the Guidelines of the National Committee;

Submission of complaints
Should a person be of the opinion that the internal procedures do not adhere to the Code of Conduct for International Students in Higher Education in The Netherlands or not do so correctly, a complaint should be drawn in the first instance to In case these procedures do not yield or are inadequate in the eye of the complaining party, then the complaint should be addressed to the attention of the Executive Board. Such complaints should be addressed to:

CvB Islamic University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam
Bergsingel 135
3037 GC Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Should a complaint not be dealt with properly in the opinion of the person concerned or is the Executive Board still negligent in the observance of the code, the notice of complaint can then be sent to the National Committee. The address of the National Committee is:

Kempkensberg 12
9722 TB Groningen
The Netherlands

Should the National Committee declare that a complaint is valid it may determine to have the college deleted from the Register of Institutes for Higher Education which records those observing the code. In such a case the foreign students will not be able to obtain a residence permit in order to follow a course at the college.


U kunt uw zakat, aalmoezen, donaties en giften over maken via uw bank of Paypal knopje. Naam: Stichting IUASR
IBAN: NL 18 INGB 0675 4552 19

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U kunt uw zakat, aalmoezen, donaties en giften over maken via uw bank of Paypal knopje. Naam: Stichting IUASR
IBAN: NL 18 INGB 0675 4552 19

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